
I am ON it

K, yes, I missed blogging yesterday. I am dreadfully close to not blogging today. little bit out of it, little bit unable... but I have so much to say about the past two days it's unbelievable. church, great. time with son, great. family time, a little alcohol influenced, but still really fun. tomorrow I get to spend the whole day with Gabriel, AND I will totally have time to blog about life. Okay? Okay. All I have to say about today is YAY Goodwill Dollar Days!!!


sunshine said...

Hi Sharon :)

Quite a nice blog you have :D Busy life. Anyway, I don't know if you remember me (or ever really knew me) , but I'm Aless :) A friend of Joe's (Jose C Perez). I know this is sort of out of the blue but I"ve recently lost contact with him (as he deleted his facebook account and such) and I was just wondering if you knew how I can reach him perhaps? Or just know if he's simply okay? I'm really sorry, I don't mean to bother you with this but I'm just so worried :/ Please get back to me , if you can. Thank you!

thistle said...

Hey Aless, I actually do remember you. :) Joe and I have not been in touch in a long time as he pissed me off majorly, but I think his email was joeeuphonium@gmail.com. if it wasnt gmail it was yahoo or hotmail or something, but it was defiitely joeeuphonium. I think he still goes on gaia as well, werent you on there? I hope your life is still rosey and full of sunny surprises.

sunshine said...

Thank you!
Yes, I thought he might be on gaia as well but apparently he hasn't logged on since February last year so I doubt he'll check it anytime soon :/
Life is good on the otherhand :) Happy the new year has started! What about you? Done anything new and exciting lately?
I know this might come a cross a bit improper but would you happen to have his mobile phone number? The point is just I wanne make sure he is at least alive, it's all so weird. Or do you think I might be acting paranoid about this?

sunshine said...

Please, I need to know...
I insist as much as I am now , if I wasn't a 100% serious :/

sunshine said...
