A week is like a tiny schedule capsule; there are a certain amount of things that have to get done within that week, and then when the next week comes it is basically the same thing all over again. I am living the schedule that I believe I SWORE I would never live when I was younger. heh heh. Aahhh youth.
Lately my response to any show or song that expresses deep levels of compassion, or loss, I cry. It doesn't have to be a situation I can relate to. Sometimes it can just be the emotion that seems to be pulled up from a particular melody. It has been q
uite a nuisance, but it is also.... well.. it feels like it HAS to come out. Like I have this level of sadness inside of me, not that I feel it all the time and it certainly doesn't feel like anything specific, just this low level of "sad" that has to come out, so I have decided to try and let it. It's okay Shar, cry. We all need to cry sometimes. Don't even need to know why.
My son does NOT like seeing me cry though! He seems
capable of understanding though that sometimes it is in response to something really sad that happened on a show, and that MIGHT be okay (ie; it doesnt freak him out as much).
Yeah. OI think this is still my body readjusting from the meds ending. Yes, I believe it is all for a greater good.
I had a thought yesterday, as Cutey Pie maneuvered himself onto
my lap and then became leaden. Cats do not work to please us. They kinda live to please themselves (oooh, big idea huh!!), and it is THIS that allows me
somehow to appreciate them more. I am free to admire the way their fur curves around their bodies making cool designs, I can enjoy the way they know how to look cute and try to get things, I can indulge them in some warm lap time when there really are other things I should be doing. AND THEN, I can kick them to the curb without a second thought so I can be productive again, and there are no hurt feelings! Well, none that last very long....