
horrible dream

I dreamt that I neglected tens and tens of little furry animals. it was horrendous. I was with some other folks and we were needing to get soewhere, when suddenly I reamembered that there was a whole upstairs in this houseof mine (that I had been away freom) that was full of caged critters I had for some reason taken over the care of and I had not been there in three days, during a heat wave. So I went up there, on our way to take Gabe to one of his acting classes, and everyone was out of water and food, and many were dead or suffering extremely.
One cage housed hamsters and sugar gliders, and something like miniature moles. The moles had all pretty much died, and in their place was a teeming hive of those awful pincher bugs, those ear wigs.... eewww!!! I put a bowl of ..omg it was cheetos!... down for the hamsters, and the pincher bugs took over it. I had to ask someoe else to take are of those, because I hat them so much I couldn't go near them.
Another cage had this huge half cat half bunny. He was overheated and grouchy, big and black and fluffy. I took him out of the cage to soothe him and thought he was going to attack me.
I ended up cleaning up and restocking 10 out of the 40 or 50 cages in like an hour, and Gabe had totally missed his class. I felt neglectful, flakey, rresponsible, and evil because of the suffering I had caused. What a horrible thing to wake up from!!
I feel like I should be allowed to go back to sleep this morning and have pleasant dreams!


JoeEuphonium said...

wow.... what a dream... *hugs*... I know that you could never ever do that irl ... That's just not you.

Sometimes I feel like dreams have meaning from things affecting us in life...

Sometimes I think dreams are just dreams...

This sounds like a nightmare... *more hugs*

Anonymous said...

I agree, you would never, ever do anything like that in real life! You are a great person. I think this one simply a processing dream caused by stress and stuff. I have them a lot.

Speaking of animals... I got a notice a few days ago from our landlord stating that I need to get rid of my dog because he is over 15lbs. because the contract says any pets must be under that. First of all I don't have a dog. We don't currently have any non-virtual pets thanks. Second of all the dog in question is the stray the neighbors feed that poops in my yard.

When I brought this up with the landlord he told me I could shoot it if it was a stray but to please be careful where I aim because trailers aren't bullet proof. If looks could kill he'd of been so dead. Apparently one of the neighbors took pity on the poor thing and took it to the animal shelter. I was going to but someone beat me to it.

Snarfff said...

Sweetie, that was a horrible dream and I'm sorry you had to have it... you are just stressing over your ability to provide for Gabe... that is natural and normal. Luckily, you are a good mom. Just keep up the faith in yourself... be patient with yourself... and remember that you are not alone!!!!

And blog more!