It is Saturday night. I have spent most of the day feeling nauseous and fighting total fatigue. Friday was our first monumental hurdle. It was my husbands Navy retirement ceremony at noon, and then a send off party at our local pub starting at 5:00 pm. We had lots of food and planning to get together, speeches to write (well, HE did), decorations, transportation, cleaning. There was also drama to work out. That's sort of my mad skill though, mediating, understanding everyones perspectives in a situation and helping the group come to an understanding.

The ceremony was wonderful, truly heartwarming, and a fitting event to honor my dear husbands 21+ years of service.
By the time we got home from the ceremony it was 3:15, and we had about 1 1/2 hours to ready for the party. I sat down on the couch and realized... I was BEAT! I could have slept for 3 hours! BUT I dressed up, had a rasbomb, and we packed up the car and headed to the bar. I swear I was running around from 5 til 11 just... I dont know, hostessing? Almost ALL of the people we had invited and that had RSVP'd did NOT show up. BUT the bar was PACKED with locals and regulars. It ended up being really emotional. Lots of people were like, "Oh, uh, you guys are really MOVING to Florida, and this may be the last time we see you!", so it was more heavy than any of us expected. There was also COPIOUS shots flying across the bar and I did a lousy job spacing out my drinks and remembering to eat, and drink water.
After calming down three people, averting one or two fights, and taking quite a hard tumble on a floor that got soaking wet from melted ice, we were going to move the party to another karaoke club we love. On the way there someone actually THREW UP in the back of my car (heLLO high school, right?), and I got a crippling case of the hiccups. More silly drama and hightened emitions from friends..... 10 minutes there, I realized I was TOAST; alcohol, hostessing and helping put out fires for 6 hours straight, I was suddenly completely, COMPLETELY done. had a friend drive me home.....
and I have basically been on the couch since!
So whats all this rambling for? I dunno really. Our two closest friends are here, have been here all day and will stay the night, all sort of putzing around cleaning, organizing, eating, conversing. Its nice, really nice, even while Im feeling all blechy. I will miss my friends, REALLY miss my friends. I am more than excited to move into a new home with my husband and my son, and also to get to have his son in our household half the time.
BIG changes. BIG BIG changes. And its now happening, it is no longer in the near future. it is now. being ready or not ready is like, uhh, not an option, lol, it is simply here.
So, yeah, I have not logged food for two days. I have not worked out since Wednesday. and I have no shame in this. Im not backsliding, I am simply trying to find some room to breathe here and there, and focusing on letting myself be OKAY with wherever I am at emotionally, physically, mentally, because any negative self talk will prevent me from appreciating these moments, moments of change, moments of realizing what I am leaving behind, and moments of moving forward.
I threw out the remaining Provigil I have. Its a nerve stimulant (NOT speed) to help with focus and energy for people with extreme fatigue. it has nasty side effects for me.
I dumped out the rest of the cough syrup I got form the doctor that had hydrocodone in it. No, I don't have a cough any more, but it's been really nice to have around for those times when I felt achy and wanted to NOT feel achy so I could be more productive. I don't need anyone to tell me about the hazards of mis using narcotic prescriptions, but thank you. I am a hughly intelligent woman with complicated motives and rollercoaster emotions, and I trust in myself. I am not afraid of getting off track sometimes, i know I get back on track and I always seem to be learning.
But I am tired of the mental stress of believing I have a medication around that might help take me out of the reality of my moment in order to better serve this whole "doing the move" thing. I tend to prefer altered states to non altered states, and I can't deal with that right now. The drinking these past two weeks is bad enough. so many celebrations, so much stress to crave getting out of. But my body needs some peace, my soul needs some focus and serenity.
Let the storm come! :)
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